Member-only story
Why Growth is Painful and How it Will Make You Better
Sometimes we’re forced to grow, and this is the best way
Some of you have probably been through significant life challenges — things which have broken you or left you feeling broken.
Sound familiar?
I’ve gone through many moments where I’ve felt my own footing slip out from under me, where I’ve come away frustrated, saddened, feeling defeated or otherwise just pissed off at the hand I’ve been dealt. But this is life. It’s challenging and beautiful — eloquent and arrogant. Whether it’s the river or the flop, we all deal with choice, and chance.
But if you’ve come away from pain or challenge not feeling as though you’ve grown stronger from it, you’re probably missing the lesson entirely.
Now I’m not saying that all of life’s challenges are meant to teach you a lesson, But a lesson can be learned by going through any experience. What we glean from these moments is completely subjective, but they make us who we are entirely.
The problem with growth is that human beings are highly resilient to change.
We like what’s familiar. We don’t like unknowns. Knowns are safe territory, unknowns are the dark corners of life we try to avoid. But the problem with avoidance is that…